Finding the Gold in others.

Andrew Carnegie who is considered one of the richest men in the history of the world. At one point in the late 1800s Carnegie had almost 50 millionaires working for him which would be incredible in even today dollars. He was asked once by a reporter how he could justify paying someone a million dollars. To which he replied that they were not worth a million when he hired them but that they had developed to the point that they were worth a million dollars. The reporter than asked, “How did you develop these men to become so valuable to you that you have paid them this much money?” Now, I believe what Carnegie said was utterly profound and it could change our lives if we listen. Carnegie said that "you develop people in the same way one mined for gold." He said, "when you enter a mine to get gold you are expecting to have to dig out a lot of dirt. As a matter of fact you will have to haul out tons and tons of dirt! The most important thing when mining for gold is that you have to remember that you don't go into a mine looking for dirt. You go in looking for gold and you always find what you are looking for." So it is with people, We all tend to have a lot of dirt. Tons upon tons of dirt but we need to know that if you want to develop your children, spouse, neighbors or those you work with you must not start by looking for dirt or that is all you will ever find. We need to look for the gold in everyone and remember, "You always find what you are looking for."